My Favorite MOOC Platforms (From Around the World)

If you are like me and you love MOOC’s. I am here to tell you that all over the world MOOC’s are democratizing education and making learning fun again. As a lifelong student (that has just graduated from college)I feel like I have enjoyed learning more after college than during college.

Here are the platforms that I’ve come across that originate from all over the world:

1. Future Learn– This is like the British Version of Coursera. I just love that wicked awesome British accent when I am taking a course.

2. Coursera– While this is an American platform it offers classes from mainly Ivy league universities and State Universities from the United States. This is pretty much the most popular MOOC platforms right now but lots of other platforms from around the world are coming out of the woodwork to steal a little of its shine.

3. Open University-

This is the home of free learning and what I enjoy about this MOOC platform are the articles that come along with them. The writing is pretty top notch. While its not completely free I still think its a cool platform.

4.– This is a German platform (not basketball player Allen Iverson’s city 🙂 that offers a lot of courses on critical thinking and business. I like this platform because it gives a very European perspective on a lot of topics. While, I think it lacks the depth of other platforms its well on its way to being a competitor for the future

So as you can see there are MOOC’s and MOOC platforms all over the world.

What is your favorite MOOC platform and why?

Yours in Awesome Learning,
