Learning is Life and Life is Learning

Life is learning and learning is life. I believe that the ability to learn and grow from is the most important thing to survival and having a meaningful existence. With that said, this blog will be a digital curation of all of my learning adventures involving  MOOC’s (Massively Open Online Courses). For now I will be focusing on the MOOC platforms Skillshare, General Assembly, and Coursera. I will share what I have learned, my opinions on classes I take what I like and like and don’t like as well.

General Assembly (www.generalassemb.ly.com)  in collaboration with about. me is giving away a 6 month trial if you enter a contest. This is a super deal is available till Decenber 31st, 2014

You can enter by clicking here :


Skillshare (www.skillshare.com) is also a really great platform  because you can take up to 5 hours of classes per month for free so I will be taking full advantage of this by taking an average of one class per week (each class is roughly an hour). That is at least four classes and month.

Then there is Coursera (www.coursera.com), the mother of them all, these are university classes that are offered online by some of the top universities in the world and gives a lot of exposure to college courses and are ideal for students who want to test out different fields to find out what they are interested.

Online learning can provide so many opportunities for exposure to different fields and I absolutely love taking classes and gaining new insights and I want to share and curate classes that I love.

Yours in Awesome Learning


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