My journey to becoming an Etsypreneur

Cash rules everything around me cream get the money dollar dollar bill yo
-The Wutang clan

In my attempt to make more money to cover debts I have decided to dedicate myself more to my Etsy store. Etsy is an online platform similar to Ebay but different because it consists of sellers or artists that create their own handmade items or sellers that sell vintage items.

For my Etsy store, I have decided to produce (and when I figure it out) dropship art prints that focus on the creation of mission statements. The name of my store is Design Ozi. I called Design Ozi because ‘ozi’ is a Swahili word for mission. In order to help me be successful I took a skill share class called Etsy: Smart and Simple . It is taught by Ella Birt and she goes through the entire process of creating an Etsy store and also running a successful business.

Check out the class here

What I really learned from this class was that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) matters. SEO is designing your website or online entity in such a way that when people search for you online they find you. The second thing I learned was that you have to be super specific. It’s a big world out there and they way to really stand out and be successful is to solve a specific problem and do it well. And finally I learned that you have to really market your store by using social media and even organically by blogging and going to trade shows in your field.

Overall, I think this class was an excellent introduction to the Etsy platform and will send you on your journey to be being an Etsypreneur . I encourage everyone (right now) to go to Etsy and checking out all the cool handmade items there and also check out my store here.

What have you learned online that you can leverage to make money online or otherwise.

Yours in Awesome Learning,


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